Creative portfolio

Game Development

Galactic Defense

GitHub Link | Link

A screenshot of Galactic Defense, during the main gameplay

Galactic Defense was developed for part of my PhD Thesis. Galactic Defense implements generative music, and a game emotion model

As a research game, Galactic Defense is designed to be easily approachable and quickly learnable by study participants. Galactic Defense is intended to be about a ~25 minute long experience, providing enough variation in gameplay that we could do research on game emotion and game music perception.


Galactic Defense Linear Score

The linear score for Galactic Defense is created by arranging clips from the adaptive score together, and hand-creating occasional transitions. This score navigates through a variety of emotions over time.

IsoVAT Corpus

Link to IsoVAT Dataset on GitHub

The IsoVAT dataset has 90 4-bar clips of music, composed to express a variety of emotions, using a broad range of Western popular styles. The IsoVAT corpus was composed as a research tool, to evaluate the IsoVAT guide.

A Song About The Weekend (and You Can Do Whatever You Want)

“A Song about the Weekend” was created with MMM, as part of the 2021 AI Song Contest. To create this song, we first wrote a basic sketch of a pop song. From that point forwards, we primarily used ML/DL methods and automated tools to expand our sketch into the entry heard above

Other music composition